Used Detroit Engine Parts For Sale

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3101-3125 of 5,609 results
3101-3125 of 5,609 results
Detroit DD15 Rocker Arm
20 0

Detroit DD15 Rocker Arm

$175 USD
Good, used rocker arm shaft from a Detroit DD15 engine. The rocker arm shaft has been visually inspected and is in good working condition. The bolt holes are clean and clear from obstruction...
Part NumberP-14532
Stock NumberP-14532
MLS Number12368126
CategoryRocker Arms
Last Updated12/18/2023
Kankakee, IL, US
Sold By

River Valley Truck Parts

Detroit DD15 Rocker Arm
17 0

Detroit DD15 Rocker Arm

$125 USD
Good, used rocker arms with shaft from a Detroit DD15 engine. The rocker arms with shaft had been visually inspected and is in good working condition. The bolt holes are clear and clean...
Part NumberP-14530
Stock NumberP-14530
MLS Number12368124
CategoryRocker Arms
Last Updated12/18/2023
Kankakee, IL, US
Sold By

River Valley Truck Parts

Detroit Front Engine Cover
14 0

Detroit Front Engine Cover

$50 USD
Good, used front cover from a Detroit DD15 has been visually inspected and is in good working condition. There is minor rust and corrosion on the from cover. The bolt holes are free from...
Part NumberP-14529
Stock NumberP-14529
MLS Number12368123
CategoryFront Engine Covers
Last Updated12/18/2023
Kankakee, IL, US
Sold By

River Valley Truck Parts

Detroit DD15 Rocker Arm
19 0

Detroit DD15 Rocker Arm

$175 USD
Good, used rocker arms with shaft from a Detroit DD15 engine. The rocker arms with shaft has been visually inspected and is in good working condition. There is no visible damage on the...
Part NumberP-14525
Stock NumberP-14525
MLS Number12368119
CategoryRocker Arms
Last Updated12/18/2023
Kankakee, IL, US
Sold By

River Valley Truck Parts

Detroit DD15 Engine Part
15 0

Detroit DD15 Engine Part

$50 USD
Good, use exhaust transfer tube from a Detroit DD15. The exhaust transfer tube has been visually inspected and is in good working condition. There is no visible damages to exhaust transfer...
Part NumberP-14523
Stock NumberP-14523
MLS Number12368117
CategoryEngine Miscellaneous Parts
Last Updated12/18/2023
Kankakee, IL, US
Sold By

River Valley Truck Parts

Detroit DD15 Engine Part
13 0

Detroit DD15 Engine Part

$175 USD
Good, used EGR valve from a Detroit DD15 has been visually inspected and is in good working condition. There is minor corrosion and rust on the EGR valve. The bolt holes are free from...
Part NumberP-14522
Stock NumberP-14522
MLS Number12368115
CategoryEngine Miscellaneous Parts
Last Updated12/18/2023
Kankakee, IL, US
Sold By

River Valley Truck Parts

Detroit DD15 Engine Part
14 0

Detroit DD15 Engine Part

$75 USD
Good, used turbo cover from a Detroit DD15. The turbo cover has been usually inspected and is in good working condition. There is minor rust and corrosion on the turbo cover. There is no...
Part NumberP-14517
Stock NumberP-14517
MLS Number12368110
CategoryEngine Miscellaneous Parts
Last Updated12/18/2023
Kankakee, IL, US
Sold By

River Valley Truck Parts

Detroit DD15 Engine Part
14 0

Detroit DD15 Engine Part

$100 USD
Good, used fuel rail from a Detroit DD15 model has been visually inspected and is in good working condition. The fuel rail has no visible damages. The fittings are in good working condition....
Part NumberP-14515
Stock NumberP-14515
MLS Number12368106
CategoryEngine Miscellaneous Parts
Last Updated12/18/2023
Kankakee, IL, US
Sold By

River Valley Truck Parts

Detroit DD15 Engine Part
13 0

Detroit DD15 Engine Part

$175 USD
Good, used throttle body assembly and valve from a Detroit DD15 engine. The throttle body assembly and valve has been visually inspected and is in good working condition. The valve can open...
Part NumberP-14513
Stock NumberP-14513
MLS Number12368098
CategoryEngine Miscellaneous Parts
Last Updated12/18/2023
Kankakee, IL, US
Sold By

River Valley Truck Parts

Detroit DD15 EGR Cooler
16 0

Detroit DD15 EGR Cooler

$275 USD
Good, used EGR cooler manifold from a Detroit has been visually inspected and is in good working condition. There is a minor corrosion and rust on the EGR manifold . There is no visible...
Part NumberP-14510
Stock NumberP-14510
MLS Number12368093
CategoryEGR Coolers
Last Updated12/18/2023
Kankakee, IL, US
Sold By

River Valley Truck Parts

Detroit Series 60 Valve Cover
16 0

Detroit Series 60 Valve Cover

$100 USD
Good, used valve cover from Detroit 60 series. The valve cover has been visually inspected and is good working condition. The bolt holes are clean and clear from obstruction. There is minor...
Part NumberP-14420
Stock NumberP-14420
MLS Number12316059
CategoryValve Covers
Last Updated12/18/2023
Kankakee, IL, US
Sold By

River Valley Truck Parts

Detroit DD15 Engine Part
17 0

Detroit DD15 Engine Part

$75 USD
Good, used engine gear from a Detroit Dd15 engine. The gear has been visually inspected and is in good working condition. There is no corrosion on the gear. There is no visible damage to the...
Part NumberP-14378
Stock NumberP-14378
MLS Number12312306
CategoryEngine Miscellaneous Parts
Last Updated12/18/2023
Kankakee, IL, US
Sold By

River Valley Truck Parts

Detroit DD15 Cam Gear
16 0

Detroit DD15 Cam Gear

$150 USD
Good, used camshaft gear from a Detroit DD15 engine. The camshaft gear has been visually inspected and is in good working condition. The camshaft gear comes with thrusting plate attached....
Part NumberP-14375
Stock NumberP-14375
MLS Number12312303
CategoryCam Gears
Last Updated12/18/2023
Kankakee, IL, US
Sold By

River Valley Truck Parts

Detroit DD15 Engine Part
16 0

Detroit DD15 Engine Part

$75 USD
Good, used EGR coolant tube from a Detroit DD15 engine. The coolant tube has been visually inspected and is in good working condition. There is minor corrosion around the EGR coolant tube....
Part NumberP-14374
Stock NumberP-14374
MLS Number12312302
CategoryEngine Miscellaneous Parts
Last Updated12/18/2023
Kankakee, IL, US
Sold By

River Valley Truck Parts

Detroit DD15 Engine Part
17 0

Detroit DD15 Engine Part

$75 USD
Good, used EGR tube from a Detroit DD15 engine. The EGR tube has been visually inspected and is in good working condition. There is no visible damage on the EGR tube. There is minor...
Part NumberP-14373
Stock NumberP-14373
MLS Number12312300
CategoryEngine Miscellaneous Parts
Last Updated12/18/2023
Kankakee, IL, US
Sold By

River Valley Truck Parts

Detroit DD15 Engine Part
17 0

Detroit DD15 Engine Part

$75 USD
Good, used oil transfer tube from a Detroit DD15 engine. The oil transfer tube has been visually inspected and is in good working condition. The fittings are in good working condition. There...
Part NumberP-14372
Stock NumberP-14372
MLS Number12312299
CategoryEngine Miscellaneous Parts
Last Updated12/18/2023
Kankakee, IL, US
Sold By

River Valley Truck Parts

Detroit DD15 Engine Part
16 0

Detroit DD15 Engine Part

$75 USD
Good, used oil transfer tube from a Detroit DD15 engine. The oil transfer tube has been visually inspected and is in good working condition. There is no corrosion on the oil transfer tube....
Part NumberP-14371
Stock NumberP-14371
MLS Number12312298
CategoryEngine Miscellaneous Parts
Last Updated12/18/2023
Kankakee, IL, US
Sold By

River Valley Truck Parts

Detroit DD15 Engine Part
18 0

Detroit DD15 Engine Part

$75 USD
Good, used exhaust tube from a Detroit DD15 engine. The exhaust tube has been visually inspected and is in good working condition. There is no visible damage on the exhaust line. There is...
Part NumberP-14370
Stock NumberP-14370
MLS Number12312297
CategoryEngine Miscellaneous Parts
Last Updated12/18/2023
Kankakee, IL, US
Sold By

River Valley Truck Parts

Detroit DD15 Engine Part
18 0

Detroit DD15 Engine Part

$100 USD
Good, used fuel rail from a Detroit DD15 engine. The fuel rail has been visually inspected and is in good working condition. There is minor corrosion on the fuel rail, please refer to photos...
Part NumberP-14369
Stock NumberP-14369
MLS Number12312296
CategoryEngine Miscellaneous Parts
Last Updated12/18/2023
Kankakee, IL, US
Sold By

River Valley Truck Parts

Detroit DD15 Engine Part
14 0

Detroit DD15 Engine Part

$50 USD
Good, used fuel line from a Detroit DD15 engine. The fuel line have been visually inspected and is in good working condition. There is no visible rust on the fuel line. There is no visible...
Part NumberP-143468
Stock NumberP-14368
MLS Number12312295
CategoryEngine Miscellaneous Parts
Last Updated12/18/2023
Kankakee, IL, US
Sold By

River Valley Truck Parts

Detroit DD15 Engine Part
13 0

Detroit DD15 Engine Part

$125 USD
Good, used oil dipstick from a Detroit DD15 engine. The dipstick has been visually inspected and is in good working condition. There is minor corrosion on rubber tube. There is no rust on...
Part NumberP-143467
Stock NumberP-14367
MLS Number12306324
CategoryEngine Miscellaneous Parts
Last Updated2/4/2025
Kankakee, IL, US
Sold By

River Valley Truck Parts

Detroit DD15 Engine Oil Cooler
18 0

Detroit DD15 Engine Oil Cooler

$325 USD
Good, used oil cooler assembly from a Detroit DD15 engine. The cooler module has been visually inspected and is in good working condition. There is minor corrosion around the oil cooler...
Part NumberP-14363
Stock NumberP-14363
MLS Number12312294
CategoryEngine Oil Coolers
Last Updated1/29/2024
Kankakee, IL, US
Sold By

River Valley Truck Parts

Detroit DD15 Engine Part
18 0

Detroit DD15 Engine Part

$125 USD
Good, used diesel EGR valve actuator from a Detroit DD15 engine. The GER valve has been visually inspected and is in good working condition. There is no visible damage on the EGR valve....
Part NumberP-14361
Stock NumberP-14361
MLS Number12306319
CategoryEngine Miscellaneous Parts
Last Updated12/18/2023
Kankakee, IL, US
Sold By

River Valley Truck Parts

Detroit DD15 Engine Part
17 0

Detroit DD15 Engine Part

$125 USD
Good, used doser valve from a Detroit DD15 engine. The valve has been visually inspected and is in good working condition. There is no visible damage on the valve. The conects are in good...
Part NumberP-14360
Stock NumberP-14360
MLS Number12306318
CategoryEngine Miscellaneous Parts
Last Updated12/18/2023
Kankakee, IL, US
Sold By

River Valley Truck Parts

Detroit DD15 Valve Cover
18 0

Detroit DD15 Valve Cover

$100 USD
Good, used valve cover from a Detroit DD15 engine. The valve cover has been visually inspected and is in good working condition. There is no visible damage on the cover. The bolt holes are...
Part NumberP-14359
Stock NumberP-14359
MLS Number12306317
CategoryValve Covers
Last Updated12/18/2023
Kankakee, IL, US
Sold By

River Valley Truck Parts

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