My Little Salesman

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Benefits of a MLS account...

...for buyers

Find the equipment you’re looking for, save them, and access them on any device. Compare details and specifications on your saved items, add notes, and keep track of your progress through the research and buying process.
Watching for a good deal or particular piece of equipment? Save your exact search, such as a "Peterbilt 377 Tandem Axle Dump Truck", so that you can quickly jump to that same search again. Even more, you can create an Email Alert to be automatically notified when new matching listings are added to
Post a free Wanted Listing and receive offers from sellers who have exactly what you’re looking for.
Receive the latest news from My Little Salesman and partners, new features and products, events, special offers, and more.
Our Industry Services page provides valuable information and links to organizations related to the Heavy Equipment, Truck, Trailer, Parts and Attachments industries. Categories include Appraisals, Associations, Financing and Leasing, Insurance, Repair Services, Transportation and Shipping, Truck Stops, and more.

...for sellers

Reach hundreds of thousands of active buyers on My Little Salesman’s online mobile-friendly marketplace for construction, logging, mining, material handling, and farm equipment, trucks, trailers, parts, and attachments for sale, rent, or at auction.
My Little Salesman's customized hosting and inventory management solutions allow you to efficiently import, export, report on, and manage your inventory in one place via your mobile device or desktop, anytime, anywhere.
My Little Salesman builds mobile-friendly, responsive websites, with powerful filtering, sharing, and search capabilities, built to help you get found in Google. You own your inventory and each section and listing will have a unique page on your website so you can generate traffic to your website.
Manage all of your customers, vendors, prospects, and correspondence in one place, accessible on any type of device. One central location where your sales team and staff can manage customer relationships, segment and categorize contacts, view phone and email activity, manage notes and sales history, schedule upcoming tasks, and remarket to customers.
Instantly procure phone numbers to track your return on investment from every marketing source. Build your sales pipeline and distribute your leads in one place. Receive daily reports, read messages, and listen to phone calls to track your inventory's performance.

Call 1-877-808-4804 to speak to a representative.

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