Invoicing & Sales Management

Handle sales like a pro with Dealership Drive's deal management system. Get quotes, invoices, and contract forms out the door in minutes, rather than hours, with integrated contact and inventory management, detailed deal structures including city and state tax calculations, trade-ins, warranties, addons, fees, and more.
Deal Management Software

More deals in less time.

Seamlessly integrate inventory, contacts, and leads to your deal, add files, documents, notes, track payment history, and have a complete view of your costs, revenue, and profits. Auto-populated professional deal forms are generated and ready to be sent and signed by the customer. Spend more time making sales and less time doing paperwork.
CRM-Inventory Integration

CRM-Inventory Associations

Quickly associate existing prospects, customers and inventory to your deals. Those interconnections provide insights for future sales and marketing.
Auto-populated Custom Forms

Auto-Populated Paperwork

Generate custom, pre-filled forms such as purchase agreements, contracts, state forms and more.
Upload Documents & Files

Upload Documents & Files

Securely store documents or files that pertain to your deals, such as signed agreements, warranties, inspection reports, receipts, and more.
View Detailed Summary

Detailed Analysis

Get a complete picture of each deal including total costs, revenue made, commissions, and gross profit.
Profit Analysis


Gain insights and a holistic view of your customers, operations, marketing, and sales.
Securely Store Team Notes

Deal Notes

Securely store notes with your team that pertain to this deal, such as buyer notes, equipment notes, special pricing, arrangements, fees, etc.

Manage Your Deals

Our deal management system is designed to keep all of your deals and contracts together in the same easy-to-use dashboard.
Link inventory and contacts with deals
Handle complex deal structures with ease
Generate pre-filled professional forms
Securely store deal-related documents and agreements
Quickly search past deals for sales history
Deal Management Summary
DocuSign + My Little Salesman Sales Integration

Auto-Filled Forms + DocuSign Integration = Document signature requests ready in seconds—not hours

Nobody likes filling out and managing sales paperwork—much less forms that require binding signatures. For this reason, My Little Salesman has streamlined the entire process for you.

Introducing: DocuSign Integration with your My Littles Salesman Sales Desk

Using this DocuSign integration with your existing Deals system, you can:
Have your forms auto-filled with the proper data on file—saving you potentially hours of data entry
Edit PDFs in seconds from within your Deals system
Send all auto-filled forms and DocuSign-powered signature requests to buyers in seconds
Track all DocuSign-powered signature requests at a glance

And all of this can be accomplished from one place—your My Little Salesman Sales Desk.
DocuSign Integration Screenshot

Advanced management features

At My Little Salesman we pride ourselves in working alongside our customers to create the tools and systems that they need to succeed.
Our deal management system was designed alongside truck, trailer, heavy equipment, and parts dealers so you can quickly and easily operate your business online.
Detailed Deal Structure

Detailed Deal Structures

Structure your deals your way with detailed pricing fields including taxes, services, discounts, fees, and more.
Auto-Populated Forms

Auto-Populated Forms

Generate custom, auto-populated forms such as purchase agreements, contracts, state forms, and more.
Deal Sales & Profit Analysis

Sales & Profit Analysis

View a detailed profit analysis summary of your deals including associated costs, expenses, purchase, and sale information.
Store Documents & Files

Store Documents & Files

Securely store and backup deal-related files to keep all of your important documents in one centralized location for future reference.
Contact & Inventory Integration

Contact & Inventory Integration

Seamlessly link your inventory items and existing contacts to your deals with our intergrated inventory and contact management systems.
Track Payment History

Track Payment History

Quickly track outstanding balance and payments made including reference numbers, amounts, payment methods, and more.

Schedule a virtual demonstration

Register to schedule a free virtual demonstration of our deal management platform.
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