Ryder Freightliner 13 Speed Tandem Axle Day Cab Semi Trucks For Sale

11690 NW 105 Street
Miami, FL 33178
United States
(844) 385-9811
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1-25 of 27 results
1-25 of 27 results
Freightliner Cascadia 125 Day Cab Truck - 485HP, 13 Speed Manual
10 0

2016 Freightliner Cascadia 125 Day Cab Truck - 485HP, 13 Speed Manual

Price Drop
$28,295 USD
*Nothing displayed on this site is an offer to sell approval or commitment to sell or guaranty of availability. Actual vehicle descriptions including mileage and age and offer price are...
Usage327,909 Miles
Duty ClassHeavy Duty Day Cab Truck
Horse Power485 HP
Engine ModelISX15'13 485/1800
Transmission13 Speed Manual
SuspensionAir Ride
Rear AxleTandem Axle
Rear End3.70 ratio
Stock Number660599
MLS Number12700965
CategoryDay Cab Semi Trucks
Last Updated12/3/2024
Syracuse, NY, US
Sold By


Freightliner Cascadia 113 Day Cab Truck - 470HP, 13 Speed Manual
11 0

2019 Freightliner Cascadia 113 Day Cab Truck - 470HP, 13 Speed Manual

Price Drop
$40,695 USD
*Nothing displayed on this site is an offer to sell approval or commitment to sell or guaranty of availability. Actual vehicle descriptions including mileage and age and offer price are...
Usage496,630 Miles
Duty ClassHeavy Duty Day Cab Truck
Horse Power470 HP
Engine ModelDD13'17 470/1625
Transmission13 Speed Manual
SuspensionAir Ride
Rear AxleTandem Axle
Rear End3.42 ratio
Stock Number837444
MLS Number13061921
CategoryDay Cab Semi Trucks
Last Updated11/22/2024
Springfield, MA, US
Sold By


Freightliner Coronado 122 SD Day Cab Truck - 505HP, 13 Speed Automatic
13 0

2019 Freightliner Coronado 122 SD Day Cab Truck - 505HP, 13 Speed Automatic

Price Drop
$56,795 USD
*Nothing displayed on this site is an offer to sell approval or commitment to sell or guaranty of availability. Actual vehicle descriptions including mileage and age and offer price are...
Usage149,337 Miles
Duty ClassHeavy Duty Day Cab Truck
Horse Power505 HP
Engine ModelDD15 GHG'17 505/1625
Transmission13 Speed
SuspensionAir Ride
Rear AxleTandem Axle
Rear End3.42 ratio
Stock Number867927
MLS Number13015924
CategoryDay Cab Semi Trucks
Last Updated11/22/2024
Commerce City, CO, US
Sold By


Freightliner Coronado 122 SD Day Cab Truck - 505HP, 13 Speed Automatic
11 0

2019 Freightliner Coronado 122 SD Day Cab Truck - 505HP, 13 Speed Automatic

Price Drop
$60,495 USD
*Nothing displayed on this site is an offer to sell approval or commitment to sell or guaranty of availability. Actual vehicle descriptions including mileage and age and offer price are...
Usage138,414 Miles
Duty ClassHeavy Duty Day Cab Truck
Horse Power505 HP
Engine ModelDD15 GHG'17 505/1625
Transmission13 Speed
SuspensionAir Ride
Rear AxleTandem Axle
Rear End3.42 ratio
Stock Number867932
MLS Number13154066
CategoryDay Cab Semi Trucks
Last Updated11/22/2024
Commerce City, CO, US
Sold By


Freightliner Cascadia 113 Day Cab Truck - 450HP, 13
5 0

2016 Freightliner Cascadia 113 Day Cab Truck - 450HP, 13

Price Drop
$30,395 USD
*Nothing displayed on this site is an offer to sell approval or commitment to sell or guaranty of availability. Actual vehicle descriptions including mileage and age and offer price are...
Usage376,845 Miles
Duty ClassHeavy Duty Day Cab Truck
Horse Power450 HP
Engine ModelDD13'13 12.8 450/180
Transmission13 Speed Automatic
SuspensionAir Ride
Rear AxleTandem Axle
Rear End3.90 ratio
Stock Number659281
MLS Number12262784
CategoryDay Cab Semi Trucks
Last Updated11/22/2024
Miami, FL, US
Sold By


Freightliner Cascadia 113 Day Cab Truck - 450HP, 13
4 0

2017 Freightliner Cascadia 113 Day Cab Truck - 450HP, 13

$36,795 USD
*Nothing displayed on this site is an offer to sell approval or commitment to sell or guaranty of availability. Actual vehicle descriptions including mileage and age and offer price are...
Usage322,562 Miles
Duty ClassHeavy Duty Day Cab Truck
Horse Power450 HP
Engine ModelDD13'13 450/1625
Transmission13 Speed
SuspensionAir Ride
Rear AxleTandem Axle
Rear End3.55 ratio
Stock Number666346
MLS Number12533868
CategoryDay Cab Semi Trucks
Last Updated11/22/2024
Pittsburgh, PA, US
Sold By


Freightliner Cascadia 125 Day Cab Truck - 455HP, 13 Speed Automatic
2 0

2018 Freightliner Cascadia 125 Day Cab Truck - 455HP, 13 Speed Automatic

Price Drop
$45,595 USD
*Nothing displayed on this site is an offer to sell approval or commitment to sell or guaranty of availability. Actual vehicle descriptions including mileage and age and offer price are...
Usage410,294 Miles
Duty ClassHeavy Duty Day Cab Truck
Horse Power455 HP
Engine ModelDD15'17 GHG 455/1625
Transmission13 Speed
SuspensionAir Ride
Rear AxleTandem Axle
Rear End4.10 ratio
Stock Number744751
MLS Number13118374
CategoryDay Cab Semi Trucks
Last Updated11/22/2024
Springfield, MA, US
Sold By


Freightliner Cascadia 125 Day Cab Truck - 450HP, 13 Speed Automatic
11 0

2017 Freightliner Cascadia 125 Day Cab Truck - 450HP, 13 Speed Automatic

Price Drop
$44,795 USD
*Nothing displayed on this site is an offer to sell approval or commitment to sell or guaranty of availability. Actual vehicle descriptions including mileage and age and offer price are...
Usage104,315 Miles
Duty ClassHeavy Duty Day Cab Truck
Horse Power450 HP
Engine ModelISX15'13 ST 450/1800
Transmission13 Speed Automatic
SuspensionAir Ride
Rear AxleTandem Axle
Rear End4.11 ratio
Stock Number666289
MLS Number13114014
CategoryDay Cab Semi Trucks
Last Updated11/22/2024
Anchorage, AK, US
Sold By


Freightliner Cascadia 125 Day Cab Truck - 450HP, 13 Speed Automatic
9 0

2018 Freightliner Cascadia 125 Day Cab Truck - 450HP, 13 Speed Automatic

Price Drop
$49,295 USD
*Nothing displayed on this site is an offer to sell approval or commitment to sell or guaranty of availability. Actual vehicle descriptions including mileage and age and offer price are...
Usage177,898 Miles
Duty ClassHeavy Duty Day Cab Truck
Horse Power450 HP
Engine ModelDD13'17 450/1650
Transmission13 Speed Automatic
SuspensionAir Ride
Rear AxleTandem Axle
Rear End3.36 ratio
Stock Number770925
MLS Number13027136
CategoryDay Cab Semi Trucks
Last Updated11/22/2024
Miami, FL, US
Sold By


Freightliner Cascadia 125 Day Cab Truck - 455HP, 13 Speed Automatic
12 0

2018 Freightliner Cascadia 125 Day Cab Truck - 455HP, 13 Speed Automatic

Price Drop
$39,595 USD
*Nothing displayed on this site is an offer to sell approval or commitment to sell or guaranty of availability. Actual vehicle descriptions including mileage and age and offer price are...
Usage506,387 Miles
Duty ClassHeavy Duty Day Cab Truck
Horse Power455 HP
Engine ModelDD15'17 GHG 455/1625
Transmission13 Speed
SuspensionAir Ride
Rear AxleTandem Axle
Rear End4.10 ratio
Stock Number684848
MLS Number13022068
CategoryDay Cab Semi Trucks
Last Updated11/22/2024
Salisbury, MA, US
Sold By


Freightliner Cascadia 125 Day Cab Truck - 455HP, 13 Speed Automatic
8 0

2018 Freightliner Cascadia 125 Day Cab Truck - 455HP, 13 Speed Automatic

Price Drop
$48,795 USD
*Nothing displayed on this site is an offer to sell approval or commitment to sell or guaranty of availability. Actual vehicle descriptions including mileage and age and offer price are...
Usage294,342 Miles
Duty ClassHeavy Duty Day Cab Truck
Horse Power455 HP
Engine ModelDD15'17 GHG 455/1625
Transmission13 Speed Automatic
SuspensionAir Ride
Rear AxleTandem Axle
Rear End4.10 ratio
Stock Number744773
MLS Number13008569
CategoryDay Cab Semi Trucks
Last Updated11/22/2024
Miami, FL, US
Sold By


Freightliner Cascadia 113 Day Cab Truck - 450HP, 13 Speed Automatic
13 0

2016 Freightliner Cascadia 113 Day Cab Truck - 450HP, 13 Speed Automatic

$24,495 USD
*Nothing displayed on this site is an offer to sell approval or commitment to sell or guaranty of availability. Actual vehicle descriptions including mileage and age and offer price are...
Usage563,154 Miles
Duty ClassHeavy Duty Day Cab Truck
Horse Power450 HP
Engine ModelDD13'13 12.8 450/180
Transmission13 Speed Automatic
SuspensionAir Ride
Rear AxleTandem Axle
Rear End3.90 ratio
Stock Number660394
MLS Number12996750
CategoryDay Cab Semi Trucks
Last Updated11/19/2024
Wayland, MI, US
Sold By


Freightliner Cascadia 113 Day Cab Truck - 470HP, 13 Speed Manual
11 0

2019 Freightliner Cascadia 113 Day Cab Truck - 470HP, 13 Speed Manual

Price Drop
$37,495 USD
*Nothing displayed on this site is an offer to sell approval or commitment to sell or guaranty of availability. Actual vehicle descriptions including mileage and age and offer price are...
Usage540,633 Miles
Duty ClassHeavy Duty Day Cab Truck
Horse Power470 HP
Engine ModelDD13'17 470/1625
Transmission13 Speed Manual
SuspensionAir Ride
Rear AxleTandem Axle
Rear End3.42 ratio
Stock Number831421
MLS Number12983365
CategoryDay Cab Semi Trucks
Last Updated11/22/2024
Springfield, MA, US
Sold By


Freightliner Cascadia 125 Day Cab Truck - 450HP, 13 Speed Automatic
11 0

2017 Freightliner Cascadia 125 Day Cab Truck - 450HP, 13 Speed Automatic

Price Drop
$50,195 USD
*Nothing displayed on this site is an offer to sell approval or commitment to sell or guaranty of availability. Actual vehicle descriptions including mileage and age and offer price are...
Usage58,569 Miles
Duty ClassHeavy Duty Day Cab Truck
Horse Power450 HP
Engine ModelISX15'13 ST 450/1800
Transmission13 Speed Automatic
SuspensionAir Ride
Rear AxleTandem Axle
Rear End4.11 ratio
Stock Number666292
MLS Number12983308
CategoryDay Cab Semi Trucks
Last Updated11/22/2024
Anchorage, AK, US
Sold By


Freightliner Cascadia 125 Day Cab Truck - 455HP, 13 Speed Automatic
11 0

2018 Freightliner Cascadia 125 Day Cab Truck - 455HP, 13 Speed Automatic

Price Drop
$40,395 USD
*Nothing displayed on this site is an offer to sell approval or commitment to sell or guaranty of availability. Actual vehicle descriptions including mileage and age and offer price are...
Usage522,386 Miles
Duty ClassHeavy Duty Day Cab Truck
Horse Power455 HP
Engine ModelDD15'17 GHG 455/1625
Transmission13 Speed Automatic
SuspensionAir Ride
Rear AxleTandem Axle
Rear End4.10 ratio
Stock Number684849
MLS Number12972659
CategoryDay Cab Semi Trucks
Last Updated11/22/2024
Springfield, MA, US
Sold By


Freightliner Cascadia 113 Day Cab Truck - 450HP, 13 Speed Automatic
13 0

2017 Freightliner Cascadia 113 Day Cab Truck - 450HP, 13 Speed Automatic

Price Drop
$36,595 USD
*Nothing displayed on this site is an offer to sell approval or commitment to sell or guaranty of availability. Actual vehicle descriptions including mileage and age and offer price are...
Usage396,994 Miles
Duty ClassHeavy Duty Day Cab Truck
Horse Power450 HP
Engine ModelDD13 GHG'17 450/1625
Transmission13 Speed Automatic
SuspensionAir Ride
Rear AxleTandem Axle
Rear End3.55 ratio
Stock Number670530
MLS Number12961808
CategoryDay Cab Semi Trucks
Last Updated11/22/2024
Wayland, MI, US
Sold By


Freightliner Cascadia 113 Day Cab Truck - 450HP, 13 Speed Automatic
12 0

2018 Freightliner Cascadia 113 Day Cab Truck - 450HP, 13 Speed Automatic

Price Drop
$43,095 USD
*Nothing displayed on this site is an offer to sell approval or commitment to sell or guaranty of availability. Actual vehicle descriptions including mileage and age and offer price are...
Usage400,839 Miles
Duty ClassHeavy Duty Day Cab Truck
Horse Power450 HP
Engine ModelDD13 GHG'17 450/1625
Transmission13 Speed
SuspensionAir Ride
Rear AxleTandem Axle
Rear End3.55 ratio
Stock Number683739
MLS Number12944826
CategoryDay Cab Semi Trucks
Last Updated11/22/2024
Pittsburgh, PA, US
Sold By


Freightliner Cascadia 113 Day Cab Truck - 470HP, 13 Speed Manual
9 0

2020 Freightliner Cascadia 113 Day Cab Truck - 470HP, 13 Speed Manual

Price Drop
$45,095 USD
*Nothing displayed on this site is an offer to sell approval or commitment to sell or guaranty of availability. Actual vehicle descriptions including mileage and age and offer price are...
Usage457,716 Miles
Duty ClassHeavy Duty Day Cab Truck
Horse Power470 HP
Engine ModelDD13'17 470/1625
Transmission13 Speed Manual
SuspensionAir Ride
Rear AxleTandem Axle
Rear End3.55 ratio
Stock Number880385
MLS Number12938486
CategoryDay Cab Semi Trucks
Last Updated11/22/2024
Warwick, RI, US
Sold By


Freightliner Cascadia 125 Day Cab Truck - 450HP, 13 Speed Automatic
9 0

2018 Freightliner Cascadia 125 Day Cab Truck - 450HP, 13 Speed Automatic

Price Drop
$34,495 USD
*Nothing displayed on this site is an offer to sell approval or commitment to sell or guaranty of availability. Actual vehicle descriptions including mileage and age and offer price are...
Usage560,832 Miles
Duty ClassHeavy Duty Day Cab Truck
Horse Power450 HP
Engine ModelX15 GHG'17 450/1800
Transmission13 Speed Automatic
SuspensionAir Ride
Rear AxleTandem Axle
Rear End3.55 ratio
Stock Number689188
MLS Number12935739
CategoryDay Cab Semi Trucks
Last Updated11/22/2024
Syracuse, NY, US
Sold By


Freightliner Cascadia 125 Day Cab Truck - 450HP, 13 Speed Automatic
12 0

2017 Freightliner Cascadia 125 Day Cab Truck - 450HP, 13 Speed Automatic

Price Drop
$49,395 USD
*Nothing displayed on this site is an offer to sell approval or commitment to sell or guaranty of availability. Actual vehicle descriptions including mileage and age and offer price are...
Usage58,501 Miles
Duty ClassHeavy Duty Day Cab Truck
Horse Power450 HP
Engine ModelISX15'13 ST 450/1800
Transmission13 Speed Automatic
SuspensionAir Ride
Rear AxleTandem Axle
Rear End4.11 ratio
Stock Number666290
MLS Number12932666
CategoryDay Cab Semi Trucks
Last Updated11/22/2024
Anchorage, AK, US
Sold By


Freightliner Cascadia 125 Day Cab Truck - 455HP, 13 Speed Automatic
12 0

2018 Freightliner Cascadia 125 Day Cab Truck - 455HP, 13 Speed Automatic

Price Drop
$44,595 USD
*Nothing displayed on this site is an offer to sell approval or commitment to sell or guaranty of availability. Actual vehicle descriptions including mileage and age and offer price are...
Usage367,787 Miles
Duty ClassHeavy Duty Day Cab Truck
Horse Power455 HP
Engine ModelDD15'17 GHG 455/1625
Transmission13 Speed Automatic
SuspensionAir Ride
Rear AxleTandem Axle
Rear End4.10 ratio
Stock Number684852
MLS Number12922488
CategoryDay Cab Semi Trucks
Last Updated11/22/2024
Taylor, MI, US
Sold By


Freightliner Cascadia 125 Day Cab Truck - 450HP, 13 Speed Automatic
2 0

2018 Freightliner Cascadia 125 Day Cab Truck - 450HP, 13 Speed Automatic

$28,995 USD
*Nothing displayed on this site is an offer to sell approval or commitment to sell or guaranty of availability. Actual vehicle descriptions including mileage and age and offer price are...
Usage604,667 Miles
Duty ClassHeavy Duty Day Cab Truck
Horse Power450 HP
Engine ModelX15 GHG'17 450/1800
Transmission13 Speed Automatic
SuspensionAir Ride
Rear AxleTandem Axle
Rear End3.55 ratio
Stock Number689187
MLS Number12887611
CategoryDay Cab Semi Trucks
Last Updated9/25/2024
Syracuse, NY, US
Sold By


Freightliner Cascadia 125 Day Cab Truck - 455HP, 13 Speed Automatic
7 0

2018 Freightliner Cascadia 125 Day Cab Truck - 455HP, 13 Speed Automatic

$42,995 USD
*Nothing displayed on this site is an offer to sell approval or commitment to sell or guaranty of availability. Actual vehicle descriptions including mileage and age and offer price are...
Usage443,466 Miles
Duty ClassHeavy Duty Day Cab Truck
Horse Power455 HP
Engine ModelDD15'17 GHG 455/1625
Transmission13 Speed
SuspensionAir Ride
Rear AxleTandem Axle
Rear End4.10 ratio
Stock Number744752
MLS Number12861693
CategoryDay Cab Semi Trucks
Last Updated11/22/2024
Salisbury, MA, US
Sold By


Freightliner Cascadia 125 Day Cab Truck - 455HP, 13 Speed Automatic
10 0

2018 Freightliner Cascadia 125 Day Cab Truck - 455HP, 13 Speed Automatic

$43,495 USD
*Nothing displayed on this site is an offer to sell approval or commitment to sell or guaranty of availability. Actual vehicle descriptions including mileage and age and offer price are...
Usage401,111 Miles
Duty ClassHeavy Duty Day Cab Truck
Horse Power455 HP
Engine ModelDD15'17 GHG 455/1625
Transmission13 Speed Automatic
SuspensionAir Ride
Rear AxleTandem Axle
Rear End4.10 ratio
Stock Number684847
MLS Number12782196
CategoryDay Cab Semi Trucks
Last Updated11/22/2024
Syracuse, NY, US
Sold By


Freightliner Cascadia 113 Day Cab Truck - 450HP, 13 Speed Automatic
12 0

2017 Freightliner Cascadia 113 Day Cab Truck - 450HP, 13 Speed Automatic

$36,095 USD
*Nothing displayed on this site is an offer to sell approval or commitment to sell or guaranty of availability. Actual vehicle descriptions including mileage and age and offer price are...
Usage362,510 Miles
Duty ClassHeavy Duty Day Cab Truck
Horse Power450 HP
Engine ModelDD13'13 450/1625
Transmission13 Speed
SuspensionAir Ride
Rear AxleTandem Axle
Rear End3.55 ratio
Stock Number666347
MLS Number12697458
CategoryDay Cab Semi Trucks
Last Updated11/22/2024
Pittsburgh, PA, US
Sold By


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