K&W Equipment B & H 9100 Row Cultivators For Sale by

K&W Equipment
P.O. Box 516
Hale Center, TX 79041
United States
(833) 519-9530
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1-3 of 3 results
B & H 9100 Row Cultivator
16 0

B & H 9100 Row Cultivator

Call for price
BH 9100 16 row 40” row crop cultivator. Bigham brothers stack fold bar. Borrowing off disc. NO shields. Paint is kinda ugly. Foam filled tires. It needs a 11.5 l 15 tire for the center...
Stock Number4003
MLS Number12120852
CategoryRow Cultivators
Last Updated10/22/2024
Hale Center, TX, US
Sold By

K&W Equipment

B & H 9100 Row Cultivator
10 0

B & H 9100 Row Cultivator

Call for price
BH 9100 8 row 40” row crop cultivator. Rigid bar. Borrowing off disc. Shields. Foam filled tires. New Counters and new sweeps! Super nice
Stock Number3371
MLS Number12172767
CategoryRow Cultivators
Last Updated1/13/2024
Hale Center, TX, US
Sold By

K&W Equipment

B & H 9100 Row Cultivator
6 0

B & H 9100 Row Cultivator

Call for price
18 row 22” BH row crop cultivator bar. Flat folding bar and it’s not bowed
Stock Number3393
MLS Number12178067
CategoryRow Cultivators
Last Updated1/13/2024
Hale Center, TX, US
Sold By

K&W Equipment

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