Used Row Cultivators For Sale in Texas

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   Row Cultivators (67)
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1-25 of 67 results
1-25 of 67 results
Bigham Bros 888 Row Cultivator
11 0

Bigham Bros 888 Row Cultivator

Call for price
Bigham Brothers 888 8 row 40” row crop cultivator. Has coulters, barrowing off disc and shields that are all in great shape. Super nice super duty cultivator
Stock Number4027
MLS Number13401093
CategoryRow Cultivators
Last Updated2/15/2025
Hale Center, TX, US
Sold By

K&W Equipment

Bigham Bros 888 Row Cultivator
1 0

Bigham Bros 888 Row Cultivator

Call for price
Bigham Brothers 888 8 row 40” row crop cultivator. Borrowing off disc crop shields. Super nice plow!,
Stock Number4023
MLS Number13393711
CategoryRow Cultivators
Last Updated2/12/2025
Hale Center, TX, US
Sold By

K&W Equipment

Orthman 8375 Row Cultivator
13 0

Orthman 8375 Row Cultivator

Call for price
Orthman 8375 8 row 40” row crop cultivator. Borrowing off disc and the front coulter have been replaced and are brand new. Has the open top shields. It has another shank to run instead of...
Stock Number3421
MLS Number12348427
CategoryRow Cultivators
Last Updated2/8/2025
Hale Center, TX, US
Sold By

K&W Equipment

John Deere 886 Row Cultivator
7 0

John Deere 886 Row Cultivator

Call for price
John Deere 886 4 row 40” row crop cultivator. Has barrowing off disc, shields, and ridging wings on the shanks. Nice little cultivator!,
Stock Number4096
MLS Number13310528
CategoryRow Cultivators
Last Updated1/4/2025
Hale Center, TX, US
Sold By

K&W Equipment

B & H 9100 Row Cultivator
16 0

B & H 9100 Row Cultivator

Call for price
BH 9100 16 row 40” row crop cultivator. Bigham brothers stack fold bar. Borrowing off disc. NO shields. Paint is kinda ugly. Foam filled tires. It needs a 11.5 l 15 tire for the center...
Stock Number4003
MLS Number12120852
CategoryRow Cultivators
Last Updated10/22/2024
Hale Center, TX, US
Sold By

K&W Equipment

Buffalo 6300 Row Cultivator
3 0

Buffalo 6300 Row Cultivator

Call for price
Buffao row crop cultivator ridging wings. Call for availability
Stock Number1978
MLS Number9701346
CategoryRow Cultivators
Last Updated6/18/2024
Hale Center, TX, US
Sold By

K&W Equipment

Lilliston RC16 Row Cultivator
14 0

2019 Lilliston RC16 Row Cultivator

Call for price
Bigham Brothers Lilliston 16 row 30” rolling cultivator. New style rubber torsion units. Hard surfaced 4 tine spider gangs. There are a couple of adjustment screws that are broken off and...
Stock Number3778
MLS Number12839067
CategoryRow Cultivators
Last Updated5/14/2024
Hale Center, TX, US
Sold By

K&W Equipment

Roll-a-cone DB28 Row Cultivator
2 0

Roll-a-cone DB28 Row Cultivator

Call for price
Roll-A-Cone stabilizer coulters for 4x4 or 7x7 bar
Stock Number3507
MLS Number12757999
CategoryRow Cultivators
Last Updated4/6/2024
Hale Center, TX, US
Sold By

K&W Equipment

John Deere 886 Row Cultivator
1 0

John Deere 886 Row Cultivator

Call for price
John deere 886 8 row row crop cultivator borrowing off disc units
MLS Number12724361
CategoryRow Cultivators
Last Updated3/22/2024
Hale Center, TX, US
Sold By

K&W Equipment

Roll-a-cone DB28 Row Cultivator
6 0

Roll-a-cone DB28 Row Cultivator

Call for price
Roll-A-Cone 8 row 40” disc bedder. Nice plow,
Stock Number3755
MLS Number12719283
CategoryRow Cultivators
Last Updated3/21/2024
Hale Center, TX, US
Sold By

K&W Equipment

Buffalo 6300 Row Cultivator
10 0

Buffalo 6300 Row Cultivator

Call for price
Buffalo 12 row 30” 6300 row crop cultivator. Its on a rigid bar. Has coulters, borrowing off disk, sweeps, and shields. Super clean plow
Stock Number3747
MLS Number12656274
CategoryRow Cultivators
Last Updated2/27/2024
Hale Center, TX, US
Sold By

K&W Equipment

Lilliston RC8 Row Cultivator
8 0

Lilliston RC8 Row Cultivator

Call for price
Bush Hog Lilliston 8 row 30” row crop rolling cultivator. Hard surfaced tines. 4 tine gangs. Tines are in really good shape. Clean outs on the back. Super nice plow!,
Stock Number3505
MLS Number12639748
CategoryRow Cultivators
Last Updated2/16/2024
Hale Center, TX, US
Sold By

K&W Equipment

Sukup 9400 Row Cultivator
15 0

Sukup 9400 Row Cultivator

Call for price
SUKUP 9400 row crop cultivator. 16 row 30”. Folding bar. Borrowing off disc units. Stubble mulch shanks. The blades are worn down. It is missing 2 front wheels on the unit on top right hand...
Stock Number3704
MLS Number12519107
CategoryRow Cultivators
Last Updated1/13/2024
Hale Center, TX, US
Sold By

K&W Equipment

Buffalo 6300 Row Cultivator
6 0

Buffalo 6300 Row Cultivator

Call for price
Buffalo 6300 4 row 30” row crop cultivator. 7x7 folding bar. Has coulters, sweeps and shields. Nice little cultivator,
Stock Number3500
MLS Number12500586
CategoryRow Cultivators
Last Updated1/13/2024
Hale Center, TX, US
Sold By

K&W Equipment

Bigham Bros 888 Row Cultivator
11 0

Bigham Bros 888 Row Cultivator

Call for price
Bigham Brothers 16 row 30” or can be a 12 row 40” cultivator. 5/8x2” shanks on the back. 1x3 shanks behind the gauge wheels. I will have another tire and wheel for the one missing. 4x7 front...
Stock Number3475
MLS Number12404655
CategoryRow Cultivators
Last Updated1/13/2024
Hale Center, TX, US
Sold By

K&W Equipment

Lilliston RC12 Row Cultivator
12 0

Lilliston RC12 Row Cultivator

Call for price
Lilliston 12 row 40” row crop cultivator. Bigham brother folding 7x7 bar. 5 tine hard surfaced gangs. Tines are worn to a point on the ends. Where the hinges are they welded a bar to mount...
Stock Number3245
MLS Number11972479
CategoryRow Cultivators
Last Updated1/13/2024
Hale Center, TX, US
Sold By

K&W Equipment

Kinze 1500 Row Cultivator
9 0

Kinze 1500 Row Cultivator

Call for price
Kinze 1500 8 row 40” no till row crop cultivator. Cutting coulter with stubble mulch sweeps on the back. Dual depth wheels on the front. The tires on them need to all be replaced. They are...
Stock Number3395
MLS Number12370678
CategoryRow Cultivators
Last Updated1/13/2024
Hale Center, TX, US
Sold By

K&W Equipment

Roll-a-cone DB28 Row Cultivator
6 0

Roll-a-cone DB28 Row Cultivator

Call for price
Roll-A-Cone 4 row 40” row crop cultivator lister. Double 4x4 bar. Markers. 1-1/4 x 3” shanks. Super nice LIKE NEW!,
Stock Number3430
MLS Number12348414
CategoryRow Cultivators
Last Updated1/13/2024
Hale Center, TX, US
Sold By

K&W Equipment

Case IH 183 Row Cultivator
8 0

Case IH 183 Row Cultivator

Call for price
Case Ih 183 row crop cultivator. 12 row 30” spacing. Rolling shields. 3 shanks to the row. Super nice plow. Stored inside!,
Stock Number3239
MLS Number12240639
CategoryRow Cultivators
Last Updated1/13/2024
Hale Center, TX, US
Sold By

K&W Equipment

B & H 9100 Row Cultivator
10 0

B & H 9100 Row Cultivator

Call for price
BH 9100 8 row 40” row crop cultivator. Rigid bar. Borrowing off disc. Shields. Foam filled tires. New Counters and new sweeps! Super nice
Stock Number3371
MLS Number12172767
CategoryRow Cultivators
Last Updated1/13/2024
Hale Center, TX, US
Sold By

K&W Equipment

B & H 9100 Row Cultivator
6 0

B & H 9100 Row Cultivator

Call for price
18 row 22” BH row crop cultivator bar. Flat folding bar and it’s not bowed
Stock Number3393
MLS Number12178067
CategoryRow Cultivators
Last Updated1/13/2024
Hale Center, TX, US
Sold By

K&W Equipment

John Deere 845 Row Cultivator
9 0

John Deere 845 Row Cultivator

Call for price
John Deere 845 8 row wide row crop cultivator. 36, 38, or 40” it is set on 36” right now. It has enough bar to move to 40”. 5 shanks to the row. Super nice plow!,
Stock Number3374
MLS Number12172723
CategoryRow Cultivators
Last Updated1/13/2024
Hale Center, TX, US
Sold By

K&W Equipment

Lilliston RC12 Row Cultivator
6 0

Lilliston RC12 Row Cultivator

Call for price
Lilliston 12 row 36” 4 tine spider gang cultivator. On an Orthman stack fold bar. Nice rig
Stock Number3069
MLS Number12126534
CategoryRow Cultivators
Last Updated1/13/2024
Hale Center, TX, US
Sold By

K&W Equipment

Lilliston RC12 Row Cultivator
9 0

Lilliston RC12 Row Cultivator

Call for price
Lilliston 12 row 30” 5 tine cultivator. It is set up to incorporate chemical. There are 5 tine gangs all the way across. The bar is not factory folding and has some welding. See pictures....
Stock Number3066
MLS Number12094231
CategoryRow Cultivators
Last Updated1/13/2024
Hale Center, TX, US
Sold By

K&W Equipment

Buffalo 4R Row Cultivator
7 0

Buffalo 4R Row Cultivator

Call for price
Buffalo 4 row 38” cultivator. Has shields, borrowing off disc, and a sweep in the back. Clean little plow
Stock Number3399
MLS Number12128096
CategoryRow Cultivators
Last Updated1/13/2024
Hale Center, TX, US
Sold By

K&W Equipment

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