Online Auction for Government Surplus - Auction Ends 11/29/24 - To see full details, additional photos, and current bid, please open this link: LOT# 22878-15, 22878-16, & 2278-17
Trackless MT6 Series W/5' Angle Plow This unit starts, runs, and operates as it should Good municipal trade-in Maintained by City Fleet department on regular service intervals Engine: Cummins 110HP, 6,360 Hours 9,360 Miles Trackless MT6 Series W/5' Angle Plow & Dump Body This unit starts, runs, and operates as it should Good municipal trade-in Maintained by City Fleet department on regular service intervals Engine: Cummins 110HP, 4,485 Hours 58,898 Miles Trackless MT6 Series W/5' Angle Plow & Rear Sander This unit starts, runs, and operates as it should Good municipal trade-in Maintained by City Fleet department on regular service intervals Engine: Cummins 110HP, 6,449 Hours 10,357 Miles is the online auction platform where you can bid on and buy government surplus. **PRICE REFLECTS CURRENT HIGH BID AND IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME DURING THE ONGOING AUCTION**