Strickland Equipment Co.

Dallas, TX 75248
United States
(972) 713-0208
Company Info
Good quality construction and mining equipment. Let us help you to dispose of your equipment and to find the equipment you are looking for.

Strickland Equipment Co. Services

Service & Repair
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Inspections & Appraisals

Strickland Equipment Co. Locations

Barbados, Barbados

(972) 713-0208

Red Deer, Alberta

83 Queens Dr
Red Deer, AB T4P 0R8
(214) 957-7106
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Prince George, British Columbia

Prince George, BC V2L 3V9
(972) 713-0208

Berthierville, Quebec

322 Rg Rivière Bayonne N
Berthierville, QC J0K 1A0
(972) 713-0208
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Montreal, Quebec

3000 Boulevard Pitfield
Montreal, QC J0P 1X0
(972) 713-0208
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Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Saskatoon, SK S7K 8C9
(972) 713-0208

Snead, Alabama

87221 US-278
Snead, AL 35952
United States
(972) 713-0208
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Little Rock, Arkansas

Little Rock, AR 72117
United States
(972) 713-0208

Denver, Colorado

18000 Smith Rd
Denver, CO 80640
United States
(972) 713-0208
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Willington, Connecticut

171 Tolland Turnpike
Willington, CT 06279
United States
(972) 713-0208
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Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
United States
(972) 713-0208

Fort Myers, Florida

Fort Myers, FL 33902
United States
(972) 713-0208

Ft Myers, Florida

Ft Myers, FL 33901
United States
(972) 713-0208

Marianna, Florida

5003 US-90
Marianna, FL 32446
United States
(972) 713-0208
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Miami, Florida

12360 NW South River Dr
Miami, FL 33010
United States
(972) 713-0208
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Okeechobee, Florida

Okeechobee, FL 34974
United States
(972) 713-0208

Orlando, Florida

4333 N John Young Pkwy
Orlando, FL 32801
United States
(972) 713-0208
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Stuart, Florida

4568 SE Salvatori Rd
Stuart, FL 34994
United States
(972) 713-0208
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Tampa, Florida

Tampa, FL 33601
United States
(972) 713-0208

Atlanta, Georgia

Atlanta, GA 30313
United States
(972) 713-0208

Blue Ridge, Georgia

Blue Ridge, GA 30513
United States
(972) 713-0208

Brunswick, Georgia

Brunswick, GA 31520
United States
(972) 713-0208

Chicago, Illinois

Chicago, IL 60601
United States
(972) 713-0208

Effingham, Illinois

17732 US-45
Effingham, IL 62401
United States
(972) 713-0208
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Springfield, Illinois

4949 International Pkwy
Springfield, IL 62701
United States
(972) 713-0208
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Warren, Illinois

5055 S Main St
Warren, IL 61087
United States
(972) 713-0208
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Covington, Indiana

411 S. Stringtown Rd
Covington, IN 47932
United States
(972) 713-0208
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Grayson, Kentucky

Grayson, KY 41143
United States
(972) 713-0208

Lancaster, Kentucky

834 Pollys Bend Rd
Lancaster, KY 40505
United States
(972) 713-0208
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New Orleans, Louisiana

4201 Michoud Blvd
New Orleans, LA 70112
United States
(972) 713-0208
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Springhill, Louisiana

Springhill, LA 71075
United States
(972) 713-0208

Baltimore, Maryland

Baltimore, MD 21075
United States
(972) 713-0208

Boston, Massachusetts

300 Boston Post Rd
Boston, MA 02116
United States
(972) 713-0208
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Detroit, Michigan

456 Main St
Detroit, MI 48315
United States
(214) 957-7106
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Grand Rapids, Michigan

4525 Clay Ave SW
Grand Rapids, MI 49546
United States
(972) 713-0208
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Osage, Minnesota

123 Main St
Osage, MN 56570
United States
(214) 957-7106
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Saint Louis, Missouri

Saint Louis, MO 63110
United States
(972) 713-0208

Wheatland, Missouri

Wheatland, MO
United States

Hillsborough, New Jersey

Hillsborough, NJ 08844
United States
(972) 713-0208

Logan Valley, New Jersey

Logan Valley, NJ 07853
United States
(972) 713-0208

Riverdale, New Jersey

Riverdale, NJ 07457
United States
(972) 713-0208

Long Island, New York

Long Island, NY 11701
United States
(972) 713-0208

Fullerton, North Dakota

123 Main
Fullerton, ND 58441
United States
(214) 957-7106
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Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Oklahoma City, OK 73137
United States
(972) 713-0208

Arlington, Oregon

Arlington, OR 97812
United States
(972) 713-0208

Ariel, Pennsylvania

Ariel, PA 18436
United States
(972) 713-0208

Bethlehem, Pennsylvania

Bethlehem, PA 18015
United States
(972) 713-0208

Glen Mills, Pennsylvania

200 Hatton Dr
Glen Mills, PA 19342
United States
(972) 713-0208
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Greenville, South Carolina

Greenville, SC 29669
United States
(972) 713-0208

Spartanburg, South Carolina

Spartanburg, SC 29303
United States
(972) 713-0208

Knoxville, Tennessee

1001 Spring Hill Rd
Knoxville, TN 37924
United States
(972) 713-0208
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Dallas, Texas

Dallas, TX 75248
United States
(972) 713-0208

Fort Worth, Texas

Fort Worth, TX 76248
United States
(972) 713-0208

Houston, Texas

Houston, TX 77484
United States
(972) 713-0208

San Antonio, Texas

San Antonio, TX 78109
United States
(972) 713-0208

Seattle, Washington

700 S Chicago St
Seattle, WA 98270
United States
(972) 713-0208
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Milwaukee, Wisconsin

456 Main St
Milwaukee, WI 53213
United States
(972) 713-0208
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