- MLS Listing # 13006845

Detroit Diesel 6V53N LOW HOUR Engine 5063-5000

Detroit Diesel 6V53N LOW HOUR Engine 5063-5000
Detroit Diesel 6V53N LOW HOUR Engine 5063-5000
Detroit Diesel 6V53N LOW HOUR Engine 5063-5000
Detroit Diesel 6V53N LOW HOUR Engine 5063-5000
Detroit Diesel 6V53N LOW HOUR Engine 5063-5000
Detroit Diesel 6V53N LOW HOUR Engine 5063-5000
Detroit Diesel 6V53N LOW HOUR Engine 5063-5000
Detroit Diesel 6V53N LOW HOUR Engine 5063-5000
Detroit Diesel 6V53N LOW HOUR Engine 5063-5000
Detroit Diesel 6V53N LOW HOUR Engine 5063-5000
Detroit Diesel 6V53N LOW HOUR Engine 5063-5000
Detroit Diesel 6V53N LOW HOUR Engine 5063-5000
Detroit Diesel 6V53N LOW HOUR Engine 5063-5000
Detroit Diesel 6V53N LOW HOUR Engine 5063-5000
Detroit Diesel 6V53N LOW HOUR Engine 5063-5000
Detroit Diesel 6V53N LOW HOUR Engine 5063-5000
Buyer Activity
63 times
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Product Specifications

Manufacturer Detroit
Stock Number16561
MLS Number13006845
Serial Number6D0188111

Product Description

Detroit Diesel 6V53 engine, V6 configuration, model # 5063-5000, naturally aspirated, skid mounted w/ air cleaner and accessories as pictured. ENGINE RUNS EXCELLENT, SHOWED 727 HOURS WHEN REMOVED FROM A HYDRAULIC POWER UNIT -- SEE VIDEO, STRONG RUNNING TAKEOUT ENGINE. VERY HARD TO FIND IN THIS CONDITION. Engine will interchange w/ forklifts, wheel loaders and other industrial/construction applications. Clean and ready to run -- don't miss it !!
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