- MLS Listing # 13047162

CRUSHER STRUCTURE with ALLIS Minerals 4’ wide x 12’ long two deck XH Heavy Duty Incline Vibrating Scalping Screen

CRUSHER STRUCTURE with ALLIS Minerals 4’ wide x 12’ long two deck XH Heavy Duty Incline Vibrating Scalping Screen
CRUSHER STRUCTURE with ALLIS Minerals 4’ wide x 12’ long two deck XH Heavy Duty Incline Vibrating Scalping Screen
CRUSHER STRUCTURE with ALLIS Minerals 4’ wide x 12’ long two deck XH Heavy Duty Incline Vibrating Scalping Screen
CRUSHER STRUCTURE with ALLIS Minerals 4’ wide x 12’ long two deck XH Heavy Duty Incline Vibrating Scalping Screen
CRUSHER STRUCTURE with ALLIS Minerals 4’ wide x 12’ long two deck XH Heavy Duty Incline Vibrating Scalping Screen
CRUSHER STRUCTURE with ALLIS Minerals 4’ wide x 12’ long two deck XH Heavy Duty Incline Vibrating Scalping Screen
CRUSHER STRUCTURE with ALLIS Minerals 4’ wide x 12’ long two deck XH Heavy Duty Incline Vibrating Scalping Screen
CRUSHER STRUCTURE with ALLIS Minerals 4’ wide x 12’ long two deck XH Heavy Duty Incline Vibrating Scalping Screen
CRUSHER STRUCTURE with ALLIS Minerals 4’ wide x 12’ long two deck XH Heavy Duty Incline Vibrating Scalping Screen
CRUSHER STRUCTURE with ALLIS Minerals 4’ wide x 12’ long two deck XH Heavy Duty Incline Vibrating Scalping Screen
CRUSHER STRUCTURE with ALLIS Minerals 4’ wide x 12’ long two deck XH Heavy Duty Incline Vibrating Scalping Screen
CRUSHER STRUCTURE with ALLIS Minerals 4’ wide x 12’ long two deck XH Heavy Duty Incline Vibrating Scalping Screen
CRUSHER STRUCTURE with ALLIS Minerals 4’ wide x 12’ long two deck XH Heavy Duty Incline Vibrating Scalping Screen
CRUSHER STRUCTURE with ALLIS Minerals 4’ wide x 12’ long two deck XH Heavy Duty Incline Vibrating Scalping Screen
CRUSHER STRUCTURE with ALLIS Minerals 4’ wide x 12’ long two deck XH Heavy Duty Incline Vibrating Scalping Screen
CRUSHER STRUCTURE with ALLIS Minerals 4’ wide x 12’ long two deck XH Heavy Duty Incline Vibrating Scalping Screen
CRUSHER STRUCTURE with ALLIS Minerals 4’ wide x 12’ long two deck XH Heavy Duty Incline Vibrating Scalping Screen
CRUSHER STRUCTURE with ALLIS Minerals 4’ wide x 12’ long two deck XH Heavy Duty Incline Vibrating Scalping Screen
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Product Specifications

CategoryCrushing Plants
Manufacturer Allis Minerals
MLS Number13047162
Serial Number03GA07860

Product Description

Location: Tucson, AZ

CRUSHER STRUCTURE with ALLIS Minerals 4’ wide x 12’ long two deck XH Heavy Duty Incline Vibrating Scalping Screen, rubber covered flat punched plate on top deck with 4” openings, heavy reinforced side plates, steel coil isolation springs, single shaft two bearing oil lubricated vibrator assembly, electric motor, pivoting motor base, V-Belt drive with guard, bolt on feed box; under screen & under crusher collection hopper to direct screened & crushed material onto the 36” wide x 24’ long discharge conveyor with heavy duty impact components, 3-ply rubber conveyor belting, electric motor, shaft mounted gearbox, V-belt drive with guard; 35’ long 18” I-Beam support structure with I-Beam skid base, designed to support scalping screen & rock crusher, (crusher not included), full length walkways on both sides with stairway access. RIPL-FLO Mdl #4 X 12 DD XH, S/N 03GA07860, Mech #4-4. Equip. #82.1501.

Used Equipment……Selling Price $42,500.00

Condition: Generally good. Maintained and running until taken out of service in early 2024.

Costs for disassembly and truck loading to the account of the buyer. Structure is bolted construction.    

$42,500 USD

Located in Olivehurst, CA, US

Seller Information

EarthWORKS Machinery Company

Jeff Marsalla Sr.
1287 Furneaux Road
Olivehurst, CA 95961
United States
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