Ride Control
Auto Lube
Load Counter
Rearview Camera
Enhanced Onboard Diagnostics
Spin Control
Keyless Start
Return to Carry
Joystick Loader Control
Fully Enclosed Cab
Digital Screen
Tilt Steering Column
AM/FM Radio
Heating And Air Conditioning
Articulated Steering
Bolt-On Cutting Edge
Front And Rear Work Lights
Horsepower: 200
Make: John Deere
Model: 6068H
Fuel Type: Diesel
Transmission Type: PowerShift
Travel Speed: 24.9 mph
Height to Hinge Pin: 13 ft
Digging Depth: 3.8 in
Bucket Size: 104 in
Breakout Force: 28,266 lbs
Static Tipping Load: 30,532 lbs
Size: 20.5R25
Type: Pneumatic
Operator Station: Enclosed Cab