Original Owner - Complete working wash plant and crusher - R-stacker 24'' x 36 ft long ***** 620 3 deck Trio Incline Wash screen *****1252 Trio Jaw Crusher (1 flip) - 5 x 14 Eljay Reject Screen - Eljay 6/16 Recycle screen - specs three-quarter minus set up to run inch and a half three-quarter round and sand - Very low hours ready to roll - All rollingstock **** Hewitt Robbins 4x20 VGF ****** #82 Canika Impact 15 yard apron feeder
120’ radial stacker Complete electrical with Allan Bradley gear button house. 3 36” Sand screws Stainless steel dock with 50 horsepower water pump Many other conveyors and components too many to list. All major components new in 2008. The plant is run about 3 months a year so it all has very low hours.******1998 Hitachi 700 excavator, WA350 Komatsu loader, 1998 CAT 30 ton Rock truck. Includes scale, shack, button house -**** May separate some ****