Online Auction for Government Surplus - Auction Ends 6/13/22 - To see full details, additional photos, and current bid, please open this link: QAL# 9249-85
2002 Mack MR / Leach Rear Load Sanitation Truck MR690S TILT TANDEM, 12.0L L6 DIESEL. Rear load Leach Hydraulic packer Mileage: 135,727 Hours: 16079.7 Body Serial: 14882 Body Model #: 2RII Body Capacity: 31 Yd Condition: Truck Runs and Drives Currently out of service for these known issues. 1. Cracked frame rail 2. Hydraulic Issues The truck has Major Rust on the cab and Body. Hydraulics work however has valve issues with the packer at the rear of the truck. Minor oil and coolant leaks. All decals, safety lighting, and vhf radio will be removed glue and impressions may remain. is the online auction platform where you can bid on and buy government surplus. **PRICE REFLECTS CURRENT HIGH BID AND IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME DURING THE ONGOING AUCTION**