- MLS Listing # 11364617

1996 International 2550 Chipper Truck - 350HP

1996 International 2550 Chipper Truck - 350HP
1996 International 2550 Chipper Truck - 350HP
1996 International 2550 Chipper Truck - 350HP
1996 International 2550 Chipper Truck - 350HP
1996 International 2550 Chipper Truck - 350HP
1996 International 2550 Chipper Truck - 350HP
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Product Specifications

CategoryChipper Trucks
Manufacturer International
Stock NumberT96I2554NYBB
MLS Number11364617
Usage104,000 Miles
Weight & Dimensions
Duty ClassHeavy Duty
Horse Power350 HP
Interior & Controls
Drive Side TypeLeft Hand Drive

Product Description

1996 Int 2554 series chipper truck, 350 horsepower,10 speed road ranger transmission, 18,000 front gvw,40,000 rear gvw,104,000 miles,38 yard dump body
20 ft long, 71/2 feet high, Chipper Body & pistons only 8 years old, 2 Barn doors, 2 new side boxes Heavy Duty Hitch Air Brakes

The information is the best of our knowledge at the time of the listing. The price may change without notice and additional charges may apply, including freight, taxes, duties, tariffs, quarantine, etc.
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